Low Income Housing Program

The USA is one of the world's most developed countries and this is largely due to the Low Income Housing Program (LHIP). This is a special program created to provide housing for low-income senior citizens and the handicapped. The housing comes in various forms. Some of them are modular homes. These can be easily moved from one location to another. Some others provide for a specific room or rooms and are permanently installed. Modular homes can be either rent to own or with a rent to buy option. The rent to own option provides the senior citizen with the right to rent back the modular home as an investment. If the senior member of the family dies, then the family gets the right to buy the home back at the end of the lease period. It also allows them to use the funds accumulated in the rent to buy scheme to purchase an ordinary home, which they can use as their new home. In case they get sick or remain seriously ill they are eligible for long-term Medicaid or Medicare benefits. Ther...